I got to know this film from imdb's "Similar movies, movies you may like" link, and "Meshes of the Afternoon" was beyond my expectation. Way ahead of its time editing and effect including "slow mo effect", brilliant score, haunting imagery and a captivating story-line in just 13mins.
The movie starts by introducing the actress "Maya Deren" herself and the core elements of the story with an emphasized shot on each of them, and each item might symbolize something, we get flowers, a key, a knife in a loaf of bread, a telephone. After the introduction "Maya Deren" went up to a room, stopped the record player and the film went silent, leading me to believe that the film's previous source of music came from that record player. After switching off the record player Maya Deren seemingly took a nap and things get crazy when the record started playing again without any manual assistance, or so i thought, and Maya Deren meeting a cloak figure with a mirror for a face, like in a dream or an out of body experience, stuck in an endless loop as the story-progress, and ultimately leading to a brilliant conclusion.
Don't miss this.
[Spoiler Alert] My interpretation
I think Maya Deren is portraying a boring housewife life caused by her husband imminently causing her suicide .
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