

swiveling round flux spiral
of meta-atoms whirling
by god's mystical pivot
heightened senses
sense microscopic transitions

as the pendulum swings
in celestial momentum
atoms metamorphose to universe
the sun delivers photons forth
energizing miniscule existence

amoebas makes pure love
in boiling revelry
of random meta-sexual strangers
melts in innocent affection
fusing for senses revolution

elements are in
gravititional celebration
as ocean waves summons wind
gentle breeze makes fire dance
the flaming waltz of birth

the moon signals juncture for rest
as it embraces earth
with her hyponotic quilt
in invigorating shade of black
for cometh the morrow, love

as the pendulum swings
in celestial momentum
passing seasons, chapters&verses
carbons weaves in magical motion
delivers elegance in variance

as the pendulum swings
in celestial momentum
we are here this moment
as a peerless glimpse
for the immortal process of novelty

the morning shines
river radiates the sun's glimmer
clouds form into dreamy structures
trees exhale virginal scent
and love's fingers caresses my hair
awareness- orgasm

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